Marc Fairbrother

My name is
Marc Fairbrother

I design and develop user-centric digital experiences.

In a Nutshell

I'm a web designer and front-end developer with experience in project and team management.

  • Web Design

    • Web & Mobile UX
    • Visual Design
    • Accessibility-Oriented
  • Development

    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • Git, Docker, NPM
    • Test-Driven Development
  • Management

    • Project Organisation
    • Sense of Priorities
    • Team Enabler
Learn More About Me

Web Worker

In 2014, after working as webmaster and bookseller for an English-language bookshop in Paris, I joined a start-up which runs multiple VOD services.

With the help of the development team I managed technological decisions, made sure that projects were moving in the right direction, and helped with design and development work while overseeing the launch of several new applications and services.

In my free time I enjoy firing up personal projects to learn new tools and concepts, and for the fun of writing code.

Check Out My Projects